We were not in Jerusalem 2000 years ago to witness Jesus being led to His death. However, on Good Friday, believers around the world reflect upon this cosmic changing event. As you go through this journey pause, reflect, pray and consider what you would have done had you been there. Linger within the scripture readings and stations so that the Holy Spirit may speak to you.
Station 1: Gathering as Night Begins
We start here, around a fire, remembering Peter on the night of Christ’s crucifixion. He stood with strangers around a fire, longing to be with Jesus but fearful of being identified and accused of following Him. Tonight we are gathered as friends without fear.
As you begin this exercise, take a moment in prayer to ask God to vanquish your fears of vulnerability and honesty. As the fire warms you, open yourself to God’s Word.
Station 2: Peter Accused and Peter’s Denial
Scripture: Luke 22:24-34, 47-62
The disciples protested when Jesus said they would fall away and deny him. Peter most vehemently said, “Even if I have to die with you I will never disown you!” But he did deny Jesus—three times, with curses, until the rooster crowed. Then Jesus looked at Peter. Peter’s pride and strength left him in that moment. He was also left empty, and now free to receive all that Jesus would give him.
As you watch Peter being accused and his denial, consider how you have denied Jesus. When have you cursed Him? On what occasions have you disowned Jesus?
As you walk down the hallway, when prompted say aloud the quotes on the wall. Pause and consider how you have denied Christ.
Station 3: Handed Over
Scripture: Matthew 27:3-4, 22-24
Jesus gave Himself fully for us.
Trace your hand on the paper provided. Within that outline, write a confession stating how you have handed Jesus over in order to take up other things.
Attach the paper to the wall alongside the other tracings.
Station 4: Crowned
Scripture: Matthew 27:27-31
Hear the sounds of mockery and abuse that Jesus received. Pick up the crown of thorns. Feel the sharpness and humiliation.
Kneel before Jesus just as the Roman soldiers did who mocked him.
Take a few moments to consider: how would you approach this King crowned with thorns, bleeding and beaten? Would you look away? Would you stand alongside?
Station 5: The Darkness of the Cross
Scripture: Luke 23:44-46
This is a time to confess your sin to Jesus who loves you and suffered immensely for you. Offer your confession to Christ and receive his grace.
Spend a few moments listening to the hammering sounds around you. Consider the density of darkness that covers our lives and immerses our world in pain, hurt and brokenness. Hammer a nail into the cross and understand what this means.
Station 6: Through the Veil
Scripture: John 17:25-26
Before his trial and death, when Jesus knew what was coming, He prayed that we would know and be loved by God. In the darkness of His death, the temple veil was torn in two, revealing that Jesus’ sacrifice opened the way to life in the presence of God.
Rip the fabric, understanding God’s sacrifice for you.
As you leave this time of worship, walk through the curtains knowing that there is hope in Jesus and all He has done for you.
As you conclude your journey, please be mindful of others still on the journey and the distraction of noise can present. Winfield’s is open until 8:30p if you wish to gather and share with others.