Children's Ministry Easter Egg Hunt
   In the Children's Ministry Playground
Come join us for an Easter Egg Extravaganza! With hundreds of eggs hidden both inside and outside over two different playgrounds, there's fun for children of all ages! We'd love for you to join us Easter morning for this fun filled activity with our family Easter Service following afterwards.
We will start promptly at 9:45 am, and we encourage you to arrive a few minutes early to ensure that you have enough time to register and get ready for the hunt. Please bring a basket or bag for your child to collect their eggs.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Darla Holmes at DHolmes@FBCScottsdale.org
Easter Sunday Worship Service
   In the Sanctuary
My Redeemer Lives! Come celebrate what Easter means for humanity! Christ, who selflessly and lovingly died so that we may have life is ALIVE! Christ conquered death so that we may have life and life to the fullness in Him!
Come worship our risen and reigning Redeemer, Savior, and Friend with us! The FBC Choir will be joining as we join together to sing our praises to God and respond to the opportunity to have not only eternal life in Heaven with God, but a life that is purpose-driven and fulfilling here on earth! Come see and experience the perfect love that Christ offers you! Come taste and see that the Lord is good!