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Christ B.C. – The Hidden Christ of the Old Testament

Thursday mornings at 9:30a

Jesus Christ is eternal. He is present throughout the Old Testament, from Genesis through Malachi, just as certainly as He is present throughout the New Testament.

Often, as people read through the Old Testament, they are not aware of the symbolism that points to Jesus Christ.

Christ B.C. does not explore every pre-incarnate reference or allusion to Christ. Instead, each lesson:

  • Looks at a specific aspect of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.
  • Examines how it relates to Him in the New Testament.
  • Explores how it applies to us today.

This exploration will make Him more personal in your day-to-day life and lead you deeper into His great love for you.


For more information, please contact Darla at: dholmes@fbcscottsdale.org